Classification framework for MOSS
Angus pointed out that the guys at Artemis have developed a classification framework extension (codename RAPID) for MOSS.
This allows a site to have several hierarchical taxonomies for classifying content. While MOSS provides a framework for creating taxonomies it does not provide hierarchical columns by default. The difference is shown below. The first screenshot shows an example of what can be achieved with the default functionality. The second shows how the RAPID framework extends this to allow much more complex taxonomies.
Classification using default MOSS functionality
This example shows how you might define a content type of manual and include a topic taxonomy that requires the user to associate one or more topics from a pre-defined list with each manual item.
Classification using RAPID functionality
In the example above if we wanted to use a more complex topic taxonomy we could swap the multi lookup topic column and use a RAPID classification column to store the information.
The RAPID framework also provides a neat way of displaying this information as shown below. Clicking on the ‘x Classifications’ link expands the field to show a list of all items (second screenshot). Using the default functionality all items would be shown in a comma separated list
The RAPID site provides full documentation of the RAPID framework, and short screen casts on how to use the framework.
For more information on the MOSS classification framework see MSDN’s introduction to content types or view Ted Pattison’s content type screen cast.