SharePoint Config

Ari Bakker's thoughts on customising and configuring SharePoint

Archive for the ‘XSLT’ Category

Data View Web Part Introduction

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This post shows how you can use the DataView web part (aka the DataFormWebPart) to display a list of items from another SharePoint 2007 site using SharePoint designer. Continue reading Data View Web Part Introduction »

Written by Ari Bakker

April 16th, 2007 at 10:37 pm

Date Formats in SharePoint

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To ensure that dates are formatted correctly across your WSS or MOSS site there are a couple of settings you may need to change.

First of all the regional settings should reflect the current locale. This can be changed from Site Actions > Site Settings > Regional Settings and ensuring the locale is correct. This should ensure all controls that display dates are formatted correctly.

If you are using XSLT to display dates (such as in a data view web part) you may need to update these also. One way of doing this is to take advantage of the format-date extension function provided by MSXML. This is included in the XSL for the dataview by default, but you can use this and other MSXML extension functions by including a reference to the Microsoft XPath extension functions (urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt) at the top of your XSL stylesheet. Continue reading Date Formats in SharePoint »

Written by Ari Bakker

April 2nd, 2007 at 3:27 am